Saturday, May 16, 2020

Beowulf, By Seamus Heaney - 1971 Words

In today’s age, the definition of a hero takes form in many unique ways perceived by society. People hold many opinions on what a true hero is. However, our society is gifted with a clear representation on what qualities make a true hero in the epic poem Beowulf translated by Seamus Heaney. Although there is no true author, fortunately Seamus Heaney’s translation gives a deeper analysis which allows the reader to better grip key concepts and get the closest possible to the actual translation. This epic poem dates back to around 700 to 1000 AD during the Anglo-Saxon period and was originally transcribed in Anglo-Saxon. During that time of no technology, stories were passed down orally from generations. Astounded by this deep rooted†¦show more content†¦Beowulf is able to save the people in the land and establish his heroic identity. Smart and strong as he is, Beowulf chose to fight Grendel saying â€Å"Hand-to-hand is how it will be â€Å" (Heaney ll. 438-9). Beowulf gains extra glory for himself turning this fight into a battle of strength; he wants to fight fair believing that it would be dishonorable to fight a beast that has no possession of a weapon. This works out in the end because Grendel is cursed and no man-made weapon could inflict any damage. During their fight Beowulf locks Grendel in an armlock and Grendel experiences â€Å"a handgrip harder than anything he had ever encountered in any man† (ll. 750-1). Furthermore, Grendel is surprised at Beowulf’s strength and trembles in fear wanting to retreat back into his lair. Beowulf is ultimately victorious and thanks God as Grendel’s arm is ripped off as he bleeds out to face his demise. Beowulf’s success relies mostly on strength which is an important trait a hero must possess. Brave, a hero must be willing to face their fears and put their safety last. Beowulf protects those who are weaker and fights for the good of society. No matter the foe, Beowul f fights to protect and ignores death. He clearly demonstrates his courageous actions during the second battle against Grendel’s Mother and the final battle against the dragon. During the second conflict, Grendel’s Mother mourns to her son’s death and promises to avenge him. Angry she is,Show MoreRelatedBeowulf, By Seamus Heaney930 Words   |  4 PagesBeowulf is an epic poem written 1000 to 1300 years ago in Old English and translated by Seamus Heaney into Modern English. Beowulf is a significant piece of literature art work not only because it is one of the earliest known works, but also because it reflects and represents the authors, the Anglo-Saxons’ culture and values. At first, this story was passed around orally, from one person to another. Then, later on, the Anglo-Saxons wrote the entire story down into a manuscript. 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Beowulf was written in Old English by an unknown author between the centuries of 800 AD and 1000 AD. Year after year, a new translation is made by an author. Each translation is completely different, yet still the same poem. It is tedious for authors to make their translation literal to the original epic, while simultaneously making it understandable, modern, and readable. Many have tried to accomplish this, but personally I find that Seamus Heaney’s translation of

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