Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Success Damaging for the Student Soul - 1082 Words

Society’s definition of success is a negative influence on students. This is not to say that obtaining â€Å"success† itself means badly. Rather, it is what society perceives success to be that makes it detrimental. By inherently putting the focus on â€Å"success†, man is essentially putting himself on the road of self-destruction and sabotaging his self-identity. In fact, success is a word that should not exist. It is a reflection of man’s over-egoistical need to better than others, and will ultimately lead to his undoing. Success, like many things, begins at home and is shaped by the people around us as we grow. The definition of success is dependent on culture, but society’s definition focuses specifically on academic achievement, similarly†¦show more content†¦It is not based on a test-system (Pham 1) where education is taught out of a textbook and never through real life experiences and individual opinions. Furthermore, it is also not seeing only one method of success and path; parents should not force children to follow their footsteps, no matter how successful they are (Findlay and Kohler 3). Success should not be something others decree or what society decrees it should be for you. Though I identify myself as being Asian, my definition of â€Å"success† is accomplishing a goal I have set out for myself. A goal, in definition, has to be something you would fight for in order to see it through. It is not something you can make up so easily, and it something that is usually riddled with obstacles and requires perseverance and dedication. An example of this would be Nanowrimo. Literally speaking, Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month, during which writers attempt to write a 50,000 word novel. In my experience, neither of my Nanowrimos had been easy. My Nanowrimo in 2009 was not the best. I had begun it fifteen days after the start of Nanowrimo and had quickly realized it was impossible to catch up, therefore giving it up. The following year, I was determined to â€Å"win†, but was unable to keep up with the daily quota. Soon, I threw caution to the wind. What did I care about structure and plot? I wrote out of chronological order, I put my characters in situation after situation, hopingShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Technology Essay1091 Words   |  5 Pagesmusic class or pay for a music instructor. In fact, nowadays, students are more advanced than their teachers on the internet, so why would they want to learn from someone they feel superior to? These teachers are rooted in what they know, living and breathing music, but kids nowadays fully depend on technology, and not the intelligence of our elderly. 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